Doctoral Seminar (EPIB 706, Fall 2020)

Course Description

EPIB 706 is a PhD-level seminar aimed at providing space for students to engage with overarching concepts critical to the theory and practice of epidemiology, as well to explore recent controversies and debates in the field. The purpose of this course is not to equip you with any marketable skill; rather, it is to reinforce your formal coursework by making space to develop and sharpen your critical thinking skills. We will review a selection of papers that range across methods, principles, arguments, and debates in epidemiology and the wider scientific community.

Delete tutorials

To remove these pages, delete the courses folder and see below to delete the associated menu link.

Update site menu

After renaming or deleting the courses folder, you may wish to update any [[main]] menu links to it by editing your menu configuration at config/_default/menus.toml.

For example, if you delete this folder, you can remove the following from your menu configuration:

  name = "Courses"
  url = "courses/"
  weight = 50

Or, if you are creating a software documentation site, you can rename the courses folder to docs and update the associated Courses menu configuration to:

  name = "Docs"
  url = "docs/"
  weight = 50

Update the docs menu

If you use the docs layout, note that the name of the menu in the front matter should be in the form [menu.X] where X is the folder name. Hence, if you rename the courses/example/ folder, you should also rename the menu definitions in the front matter of files within courses/example/ from [menu.example] to [menu.<NewFolderName>].